Grungecase Review
“Free Recovery are the headliners of Grungecase tonight and rightly so; they wear their influences on their sleeves and in tonight’s case on their tees.
These guys literally have grunge running through their veins.
Lead singer Jimmy is wearing an Alice in Chains t-shirt in honour of the late great Layne Staley, and drummer Dan is wearing a Kurt Cobain tee, in tribute of the date – the 5th April – sadly a day when both of these important pioneering musical frontmen passed away, albeit years apart.

From Fire – Scream My Name, Burning
Click here to read the full review of the Grungecase night.
Special thanks to:
Holly Wilcox for the lovely review – you rock \m/
Keith Woodhouse for underpinning local live music around our area, and beyond
Northbend Records for publishing
Free Recovery EP – GRUNGEBANDSFAN Review
Half an hour south of London, England is a town called Guilford. It’s not exactly a place where I’d expect to find an amazing grunge band playing frequent shows and helping to build a grunge scene in the UK. Nonetheless, that’s the case. Since 2012, Free Recovery has been laying down the grooves in Guilford while also branching out to London and other surrounding areas to spread their music. After going through numerous member changes in the early days, a solid lineup finally clicked in 2014. From that point on, things really started coming together for the band.
Although the vocals are reminiscent of Eddie Vedder and Free Recovery’s music is similar to Pearl Jam, they certainly have more to offer than being just a knock-off of a classic grunge band. The band also seems to pull from Alice In Chains, Creed, Stone Temple Pilots and many of the classic rockers from the 70s.
Their self-titled debut EP was released in 2015. The 6-song EP opens with the sound of radio static that tunes into a radio station playing the acoustic intro to the first song, Furtherman, with studio wizardry similar to that utilized on the intro of the Pink Floyd song Wish You Were Here. As the band kicks in, the song blasts away from the radio and becomes the great audio quality that will be present on the rest of the EP. Furtherman is a slow, heavy rocker that reminds me a lot of Pearl Jam. (more…)
Grunge 2.0 – Free Recovery EP Review
“The vocal resembles Soundgarden. The riffs, the drums and the lyrics are excellent!
I liked it”
— Paulo Neto, Menes do Grunge 2.0
Debut EP Sends Shivers
Album/EP & Band: Free Recovery EP by Free Recovery
Debut EP Sends Shivers
Guildford-based grunge band, Free Recovery, unleash their 6-track debut EP this August. The music writing is first class, the lyrics are effervescent and the performances are accomplished. There is a level of talent displayed within the band that is humbling, and the refreshing originality in this EP grabs you by the shoulders and reassures you that the heart and soul of new music is alive.
Surrey might be their domain, but the band members bring diverse culture from lands including Sicily and South Africa. That diversity is reflected in the range of their tracks, yet the EP blends strongly as a complete work.
There is a detailed complexity throughout the EP. Reminiscent of The Road to Hell Part I, a vintage radio scans frequencies to find the intro to Furtherman. Subtle Arabian tones weave their way through Our Summer Is Dead. Stylus crackle enhances the fade out of Vintage Sky. These indicators hint at layers to be discovered within the structure of the music. (more…)